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The Doctrine of Jesus Christ and His Apostles

It should be understood that the commentary in regards to The 24 Principles of the Doctrine of Jesus Christ & his Apostles, is not an official statement of the doctrine of The House of God The Pillar and Ground of the Truth The House of Prayer for All People, Inc. Although the 24 principles are the foundation of the church national and international the explanations expressed in commentary are solely those of the author and should be received as such. It is our prayer and desire that others will be able to understand the truths of the scriptures set forth in commentary. We also pray that it will lead to a greater love and respect for the teachings of our founder the late Bishop R. A. R. Johnson.

1. The New Birth ye must be born again. – The new birth is a call from God to spiritual transformation changing our nature and lifestyle and bringing us into compliance with the word of God. Spiritual transformation is an absolute requirement and prerequisite before one can safely lay claim to salvation (St. John 3:1).  read me →

2. The Keeping of the Ten Commandments written by God's own finger. – The commandments are God’s unalterable law that is imposed on every believer by the authority of the Holy Spirit. They demonstrate our submission to the will of God and our love for His word. The best known are the Ten Commandments but the Commandments of God are comprised of all of His mandates for mankind. They are essential to salvation and cannot be ignored.  read me →

3. Divine healing – It is the will of God that through faith, man is healed or sustained by the power of God. Believers should know that God is fully able to provide spiritual, physical or mental healing. Healing belongs to God and its power is often given to His servant, to execute His will through the Holy Spirit or to others as spiritual gifts. In any case, God has mercy upon those whom He wishes (Romans 9:18); therefore our healing is totally dependent upon Him.  read me →

4. The administration of feet washing and communion at the same service. – The practice of feet washing is preparatory to receiving the body and blood of Christ through communion. It is a mark of cleansing and humility that was demonstrated by Jesus Christ himself with His disciples and commanded that we should do as He had done (St. John 13:15).  read me →

5. Tithes and Offering an early duty of the People of God. – Tithing, a tenth part of one’s increase was the subject of a variety of directives in the Bible. It was required of everyone regardless of class or status and provided support for the leaders (Levites and Priest, and for the administration of the tabernacle.) The Deuteronomic code established further uses for the tithe of agricultural produce and suggested that family feast at the sanctuary celebrating God’s provision was a proper use (Deuteronomy 4:22-27). The same code stipulated the third year’s tithe for care of the Levites, orphans, widows and foreigners (Deuteronomy 14:28-29). The New Testament treatment of tithing proves that the concept survived dispensation and covenants and remains a requirement for mankind today.  read me →

6. The Eating of Selective Foods as Holy People should. – God established a diet for mankind that remains today. It contains an irrevocable list of clean and unclean foods. Many forbidden animals were objects of superstition and idolatry to the heathen, so God's people were taught to make distinction between holy and unholy. The final diet that God established became a defining characteristic of those who love Him and keep His commandments.  read me →

7. Everlasting Life Before Going Through the Grave. – One of the most compelling reasons for living a righteous life is the promise of “everlasting life” with Christ. According to the Bible, all mankind will inherit eternal life either in the blessing of God’s presence or the damnation of God’s absence. The distinguishing characteristic of these two options is not its duration but its quality. “Godliness is profitable with respect to all things because it has promise of life now and of the one about to be:” (1 Timothy 4:8). We must achieve everlasting life before death to inherit the crown of life at the resurrection.  read me →

8. Absolute Holiness Through the Love of God. – Holiness is a characteristic unique to God's nature which consequently becomes a goal for human moral character. This characteristic is best manifested through the blood of Jesus Christ that transcends all of our sins and the word of God that defines righteousness.  read me →

9. Resurrection of the Dead. – The proof of victory for the saints is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. His resurrection fulfills the promise that Jesus made to return and retrieve.  read me →

10. The Translation of the Saints. – The Bible teaches us that flesh and blood cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, those who do enter must shed their corruptible bodies and put on bodies that are both incorruptible and immortal. These changed bodies can only be obtained through the power of God and is awarded only to those who have kept the faith and endured hardness as a good soldier for Christ.  read me →

11. The Second Coming of Jesus. – During the ministry of Jesus, He told His followers that He would be leaving to prepare a place for them, but would return again. Upon His return, He will dispense judgment upon the sinners and gather the saints for a life in the earth made new. Jesus warned His followers, however, that they should be prepared to welcome Him back because His coming would be like a thief in the night. There being no certainty as to the time of Jesus’ return, it is important that we be ready knowing that He may come at any time (Matthew 24:42).  read me →

12. The Thousand Years the New Heaven and New Earth. – The Bible teaches that there is a millennium or 1000 year period when the Kingdom of God will be established on earth. This period is preceded by the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21) and is concluded with the new heaven and new earth descending from God (Revelations 21:2). This is the beginning of the end-time.  read me →

13. Jesus is God, God is Jesus. – Jesus is God incarnated in flesh. In fact, He was manifested in various forms at various times. He was father, son, word, spirit, Lord, etc. Jesus is the one and only true God.  read me →

14. Baptize in the Name of Jesus Christ. – The name in which baptism is administered is vitally important. Jesus' last command to His disciples was, "Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost." (Matthew 28:19). We should notice that He used the singular form “name” not “names.” Father, Son and Holy Ghost are not names of separate persons but the titles of positions held by God. In Matthew 1:21, the angel declared “She shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.” It's no small wonder that Peter's methodology for baptism in Acts 2:38 includes the proper name to be used “Jesus Christ.” Additionally, we adopt the form of baptism as demonstrated by Christ himself when He was baptized by John. Mark 1:9 says that He came up out of the water, demonstrating that He was immersed.  read me →

15. Water Only for Sacrament. – At the “last supper” of the New Testament Passover, Jesus changed the implements of Passover. He became the lamb, the unleavened bread no longer represented the suffering of the Israelites while in Egypt but took on the semblance of Jesus' broken body, and the cup also was transformed. The Old Testament cup having been shared in Luke 22:17, Christ introduces the "cup of the New Testament" in Luke 22:20. The contents of the New Testament cup had two distinguishing characteristics; “in Christ blood” and "shed". What was in Christ blood can be found in John 19:34. When the centurion pierced Jesus in the side two things came out, blood and water. So it is, water was in Jesus’ blood and water was also shed. What Jesus presented in the New Testament cup was life giving water.  read me →

16. Water Always Has Been Used for Salvation With the Blood. – Water and blood have worked together to provide cleansing and salvation throughout the scriptures. Water, because of its purity provided physical cleansing while blood has always been associated with life (Lev 17:11). Whenever one contacted blood even from ritual sacrifices, water was a required remedy for restoration (Lev 16:24). Jesus came and brought salvation to the world. 1 John 5:6-8 declares that Jesus' coming was by water and blood.  read me →

17. Sin Not Against the Holy Ghost. – The sin of mankind was categorically covered by the shedding of Jesus' blood. This means that all sin can be forgiven upon our acceptance of their wrong and repentance, accept one. The sin of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost was reserved as the one category for which no forgiveness is extended. Extreme caution is issued in several scriptures to remind us to avoid that intractable error.  read me →

18. Elect and Election. – Election is at once one of the most central and one of the most misunderstood teachings of the Bible. The word “election” means literally, “to choose something for oneself.” This does not negate the necessity for human repentance and faith; rather it establishes the possibility of both. We should proclaim the gospel to everyone without exception, knowing that it is only the Holy Spirit who can convict, regenerate, and justify. God has chosen preaching as the means to awaken faith in the elect (1 Corinthians 1:21). Paul says that God chose us “to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit” (2 Thessalonians 2:13). We are then to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, even though to be sure, it is God who is at work within us both to will and do His good pleasure (Phil. 2:12-13).  read me →

19. Foreknowlege. – In the Bible, God alone has foreknowledge. Nothing is outside of His knowledge past, present, or future. Nothing is hidden from Him, and only fools think they can hide their deeds from God (Psalms 10:11; 11:4-5; Proverbs 15:11; Isaiah 29:15-16). God knows completely the thoughts and doings of human beings (Ps. 139). Jesus taught that He has complete knowledge of human beings (Matt. 10:29-31) and the author of Hebrews wrote that “nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight” (Heb. 4:13a).  read me →

20. Pre-Existence of Jesus. – When God manifested Himself in flesh, He took on a form that mankind could identify with; a form that fulfilled prophesy and gave credence to the statements of both Paul and John who clearly understood that Jesus was before the beginning.  read me →

21. Christ Redeemer Always. – The centrality of redemption through the death of Jesus Christ is expressed throughout the New Testament from the Lamb of God who lifts up and carries away the sin of the world (John 1:29) to the redeeming Lamb praised by a multitude because He was slain and by His blood redeemed unto God, people of every kindred, tongue, and nation (Rev. 5:8-14).  read me →

22. Signs. – Signs serve several functions in the Biblical order. To identify, designate, impart knowledge, protect, motivate faith, recall significant events, witness a covenant, confirm or illustrate a prophetic action. Jesus however states His distaste for signs in certain instances because they demonstrate a lack of faith (Mat 12:39). Nonetheless, signs have been used effectively throughout the scriptures and are offered as a precursor to Jesus’ return to earth in His second coming (Mat 24:6-7).  read me →

23. The Passover Forever a Type of Christ. – The Passover was instituted as a perpetual statute. It had immediate significance in its original implementation because the lamb, the unleavened bread and cup were symbols of deliverance. These symbols in fact foreshadowed the ultimate implementation of Passover where Jesus replaced the lamb and the bread and cup became icons of His body and blood. The parallels between the old Passover and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ are unmistakable.  read me →

24. Unity of God's People. – Central to the faith of all of God’s people is the confession of the unity of God: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord Your God is one Lord" (Deut. 6:4). Because God is one, He has one set of laws that apply to both Israelites and foreigners. The prophetic vision of God’s future anticipates the day when God will reunite the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah, bringing back all the scattered exiles (Ezek. 37:15-23). Indeed, this same prophetic hope includes the reuniting of all the peoples of the world that keep His Law under the sovereignty of the one Lord (Zech. 14:9).  read me →



God gave me the knowledge that I might know the twenty-four principles of his doctrine and teach them to all who will purify their souls through obeying the word of truth. Therefore, I have searched the scripture day and night to find the scripture in connection with each principle that we might have scripture proof for all that we teach and preach to our people. When they go forth teaching and preaching these principles as God hath set them in rotation, men may be made to understand the truth by the harmony of the scriptures brought forth, consistently in relation to each principle.
This summary was written by Bishop R. A. R. Johnson, Founder of the House of God.


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